The Vaccines - No Hope

on Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Oh I could bore you with the truth
About an uneventful youth
Or you could get that rap from someone else
And I could make an observation
If you are the voice of a generation
But I’m too self absorbed to give it clout

And I, I don’t really care about
Anybody else when I haven’t got my whole life figured out
'Cause when you’re young and bored and 24
And you don’t know who you are
No hope
And it’s hard to come of age
I think it’s a ṗroblem
And it never goes my way
And no, I am so self-obsessed
I guess, but there’s no hope
But I hope it’s just a phase
Or I’ll grow-oh-oh-oh

Oh I could look for inspiration
Find it in a trouble at English station
But wouldn’t that be cheap and ill-informed
And I could bet you don’t believe me
If I said a cape from deep within me
But I promise you I’m telling you the truth

And I, I don’t really care about
Anybody else when I haven’t got my whole life figured out
'Cause when you’re 24 and young and bored
And you don’t know who you are
No hope
And it’s hard to come of age
I think it’s a problem
And it never goes my way
And no, I am so self-obsessed
I guess, but there’s no hope
But I hope it’s just a phase
Or I’ll grow

Well I wish that I was comfortable in my own skin
But the whole thing feels like an exercise
And drank would be someone I would rather not be
I’d try to second guess if you would be approving
I find my life ever so moving
Keen wide-eyed and unassuming
No hoṗe

There is no hope
But there’s desperately
No hope, but there’s definitely
No hope if you don’t believe me
Oh, oh, oh
And there is no hope
But there’s desperately
No hope, but there’s definitely
No hope if you don’t believe me
Oh, oh, oh

But I, I don’t really care about
Anybody else when I haven’t got my whole life figured out
'Cause when you’re 24 and young and bored
And you don’t know who you are
No hope
And it’s hard to come of age
I think it’s a problem
And it never goes my way
And no, I am so self-obsessed
I guess, but there’s no hope
But I hope it’s just a phase
Or I’ll grow-oh-oh-oh

There is no hope
And it never goes my way
And no, I am so self-obsessed
I guess, but there’s no hope
But I hope it’s just a ṗhase
Or I’ll grow-oh-oh-oh

Suicidal Tendencies "Institutionalized"

on Minggu, 23 Juni 2013
[Mike Muir/Louiche Mayorga]

Sometimes I try to do things and it just doesn't work out the way I wanted to.
I get real frustrated and I try hard to do it and I take my time and it doesn't work out the way I wanted to.
It's like I concentrate real hard and it doesn't work out.
Everything I do and everything I try never turns out.
It's like I need time to figure these things out.
But there's always someone there going.

Hey Mike:
You know we've been noticing you've been having a lot of problems lately.
You know, maybe you should get away and maybe you should talk about it, maybe you'll feel a lot better

And I go:
No it's okay, you know I'll figure it out, just leave me alone I'll figure it out.
You know I'll just work by myself.

And they go:
Well you know if you want to talk about it I'll be here you know and you'll probably feel a lot better if you talk about it.

And I go:
No I don't want to I'm okay, I'll figure it out myself and they just keep bugging me and they just keep bugging me and it builds up inside and it builds up inside.

So you're gonna be institutionalized
You'll come out brainwashed with bloodshot eyes
You won't have any say
They'll brainwash you until you see their way.

I'm not crazy - in an institution
You're the one who's crazy - in an institution
You're driving me crazy - in an institution
They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy -- myself.

I was in my room and I was just like staring at the wall thinking about everything
But then again I was thinking about nothing
And then my mom came in and I didn't even know she was there she called my name
And I didn't even hear it, and then she started screaming: MIKE! MIKE!
And I go:
What, what's the matter?
And she goes:
What's the matter with you?
I go:
There's nothing wrong mom.
And she goes:
Don't tell me that, you're on drugs!
And I go:
No mom I'm not on drugs I'm okay, I was just thinking you know, why don't you get me a Pepsi.
And she goes:
NO you're on drugs!
I go:
Mom I'm okay, I'm just thinking.
She goes:
No you're not thinking, you're on drugs! Normal people don't act that way!
I go:
Mom just give me a Pepsi, please
All I want is a Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me
All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me.
Just a Pepsi.

They give you a white shirt with long sleeves
Tied around you're back, you're treated like thieves
Drug you up because they're lazy
It's too much work to help a crazy


I was sitting in my room and my mom and my dad came in and they pulled up a chair and they sat down, they go:
Mike, we need to talk to you
And I go:
Okay what's the matter
They go:
Me and your mom have been noticing lately that you've been having a lot of problems,
You've been going off for no reason and we're afraid you're gonna hurt somebody,
We're afraid you're gonna hurt yourself.
So we decided that it would be in your interest if we put you somewhere
Where you could get the help that you need.
And I go:
Wait, what are you talking about, we decided!?
My best interest?! How can you know what's my best interest is?
How can you say what my best interest is? What are you trying to say, I'm crazy?
When I went to your schools, I went to your churches,
I went to your institutional learning facilities?! So how can you say I'm crazy?

They say they're gonna fix my brain
Alleviate my suffering and my pain
But by the time they fix my head
Mentally I'll be dead


It doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car anyway

Politik dan Kemiskinan di Indonesia

on Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Sejak awal kemerdekaan, bangsa Indonesia telah mempunyai perhatian besar terhadap terciptanya masyarakat yang adil dan makmur sebagaimana termuat dalam alinea keempat Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Program-program pembangunan yang dilaksanakan selama ini juga selalu memberikan perhatian besar terhadap upaya pengentasan kemiskinan karena pada dasarnya pembangunan yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Meskipun demikian, masalah kemiskinan sampai saat ini terus-menerus menjadi masalah yang berkepanjangan. Belum lagi ditambah tingkat korupsi yang masih tinggi di Indonesia. korupsi mempunyai dampak dan pengaruh terhadap kemiskinan di Indonesia. Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang sering ditemui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Standar hidup dan pelayanan kesehatan yang rendah adalah ciri-ciri adanya kemiskinan. Beberapa daerah di Indonesia sering dijumpai adanya anak-anak balita yang mengalami gizi buruk. Selain itu, belum lama ini mulai merebak penyakit polio, padahal Indonesia oleh WHO telah dinyatakan bebas dari penyakit ini. Hal tersebut menunjukan tingkat pelayanan kesehatan yang rendah bagi masyarakat. Masih banyak dampak-dampak lain yang terjadi di Indonesia karena kurang tanggapnya pemerintah terhadap rakkyatnya, seperti pengangguran, banyaknya pengamen di jalanan yang tak terurus, dan bahkan anak-anak yang putus sekolah karena faktor perekonomian rakyat yang semakin rendah.

Pada masa Orde Baru, walaupun mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi cukup tinggi namun penduduk miskin di Indonesia juga tetap tinggi. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), persentase penduduk miskin di Indonesia masih sangat tinggi. Hal ini bertolak belakang dengan pandangan banyak ekonom yang menyatakan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan pada akhirnya mengurangi penduduk miskin.
Bangsa Indonesia perlu mewaspadai kondisi kemiskinan yang terjadi saat ini. Walaupun secara statistik tahun 2012 terjadi penurunan kemiskinan menjadi 28,59 juta orang atau 11,6 persen, secara kualitas kemiskinan justru mengalami involusi dan cenderung semakin kronis.


Sesungguhnya kemiskinan bukanlah persoalan baru di negeri ini.  Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat, indeks keparahan pada Maret 2012 sebesar 0,36. Padahal, pada September 2012 menjadi 0,61. Kenaikan indeks ini menunjukan dua hal, yaitu semakin melebarnya kesenjangan antarpenduduk miskin dan, juga, semakin rendahnya daya beli dari masyarakat kelompok miskin karena ketidakmampuan mereka memenuhi kebutuhan dasar untuk hidup sampai dengan batas pengeluaran garis kemiskinan yang hanya sebesar Rp 259.520 per bulan. Hal ini diperparah dengan tingkat korupsi yang masih tinggi di Indonesia. Korupsi di Indonesia merupakan suatu yang lumrah dan bahkan menjadi tradisi, terutama bagi para pejabat pemerintah. Salah satu inidikasinya adalah lemahnya sistem penegak hukum di Indonesia yang sampai saat ini belum bisa menuntaskan tindak pidana korupsi secara maksimal. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat kecil di Indonesia dan di pedesaan pada khususnya menjadi telantar karena sibuknya pemerintah dalam menuntaskan korupsi yang tak kunjung selesai sampai saat ini. Budaya korupsi sudah mendarah daging di segala kehidupan ekonomi. Birokrasi yang terbelit-belit serta peraturan yang tidak jelas telah menyuburkan korupsi. Hukuman yang terlalu ringan bagi para koruptor juga tidak mengurangi efek jera bagi para pelakunya. Korupsi di Indonesia memang harus ditangani secara serius dan memberikan hukuman yang paling berat kepada pelakunya. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah dengan peran serta masyarakat.  Korupsi, tentu saja berdampak sangat luas, terutama bagi kehidupan masyarakat miskin di desa dan kota. Awal mulanya, korupsi menyebabkan Anggaran Pembangunan dan Belanja Nasional kurang jumlahnya. Untuk mencukupkan anggaran pembangunan, pemerintah pusat menaikkan pendapatan negara, salah satunya contoh dengan menaikkan harga BBM. Pemerintah sama sekali tidak mempertimbangkan akibat dari adanya kenaikan BBM tersebut  harga-harga kebutuhan pokok seperti beras semakin tinggi biaya pendidikan semakin mahal, dan pengangguran bertambah. Tanpa disadari, masyarakat miskin telah menyetor 2 kali kepada para koruptor. Pertama, masyarakat miskin membayar kewajibannya kepada negara lewat pajak dan retribusi, misalnya pajak tanah dan retribusi puskesmas. Namun oleh negara hak mereka tidak diperhatikan, karena “duitnya rakyat miskin” tersebut telah dikuras untuk kepentingan pejabat. Kedua, upaya menaikkan pendapatan negara melalui kenaikan BBM, masyarakat miskin kembali “menyetor” negara untuk kepentingan para koruptor, meskipun dengan dalih untuk subsidi rakyat miskin. Padahal seharusnya negara meminta kepada koruptor untuk mengembalikan uang rakyat yang mereka korupsi, bukan sebaliknya, malah menambah beban rakyat miskin. Dengan demikianakibat ulah koruptor tersebutakan menambah inflasi. Inflasi di pedesaan yang tinggi disumbangkan oleh kenaikan harga-harga bahan makanan, makanan jadi, perumahan, sandang, dan kesehatan. Sementara, di sisi lain, kenaikan upah yang diterima buruh tani ataupun buruh hanya antara 1 persen dan 3 persen dalam tahun 2012. Tidak seimbangnya antara kenaikan upah yang diterima dan kenaikan harga kebutuhan dasar tersebut menjadi salah satu penyebab keadaan kemiskinan di Indonesia tak berubah banyak dari waktu-ke waktu.
Solusi Dan Pemecahan Masalah
Terdapat beberapa langkah untuk mencari solusi tentang permasalahan kemiskinan di Indonesia, diantaranya sebagai berikut :
  1. Mempertegas sistem  hukum di Indonesia untuk bersikap tegas terhadap para pelaku korupsi.
  2. KPK  harus benar-benar ditegakkan di Indonesia tanpa harus ada kepentingan politik apalagi kepentingan pribadi.
  3. harus ada kesadaran dari aparat hukum dan para pejabat bahwa tindakan korupsi tidak patut dilakukan karena pertanggungjawabannya sangat berat baik di dunia maupun di akhirat.
  4. program- program penanggulangan kemiskinan selama ini cenderung berfokus pada upaya penyaluran bantuan sosial untuk orang miskin.Hal itu, antara lain, berupa beras untuk rakyat miskin dan program jaring pengaman sosial (JPS) untuk orang miskin. Upaya seperti ini akan sulit menyelesaikan persoalan kemiskinan yang ada karena sifat bantuan tidaklah untuk pemberdayaan, bahkan dapat menimbulkan ketergantungan. Program-program bantuan yang berorientasi pada kedermawanan pemerintah ini justru dapat memperburuk moral dan perilaku masyarakat miskin. Program bantuan untuk orang miskin seharusnya lebih difokuskan untuk menumbuhkan budaya ekonomi produktif dan mampu membebaskan ketergantungan penduduk yang bersifat permanen. Di lain pihak, program-program bantuan sosial ini juga dapat menimbulkan korupsi dalam penyalurannya.
  5. kurangnya pemahaman berbagai pihak tentang penyebab kemiskinan itu sendiri sehingga program-program pembangunan yang ada tidak didasarkan pada isu-isu kemiskinan, yang penyebabnya berbeda-beda secara lokal.


Demikian yang dapat kami paparkan mengenai materi yang menjadi pokok bahasan dalam makalah ini, tentunya masih banyak kekurangan dan kelemahannya, kerena terbatasnya pengetahuan dan kurangnya rujukan atau referensi yang ada hubungannya dengan judul makalah ini.

Penulis banyak berharap para pembaca yang budiman dusi memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun kepada penulis demi sempurnanya makalah ini dan dan penulisan makalah di kesempatan-kesempatan berikutnya. Semoga makalah ini berguna bagi penulis pada khususnya juga para pembaca yang budiman pada umumnya.


Foreign bank, Which Operates in Indonesia

on Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Citi is a leading global bank with a capacity which has 200 million customers and is in 160 countries. Citi provides various banking products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services, and wealth management services to its customers, corporations, governments and institutions.

Citibank, NA, Indonesia Branch ("Citibank") is a branch of Citibank, NA Headquartered in New York, U.S.A. Citigroup Inc. ("Citigroup") fully owns Citibank, NA. We first present in Indonesia in 1918 through its predecessor company, The International Banking Corporation in Batavia and Surabaya. Although the branch was closed in the 1920s, Citibank is back in Jakarta in 1968 and offers a range of banking services. Global Consumer Group is one of the main business at Citibank Indonesia managing consumer financial services markets. Consists of four business groups, namely Banking Services (Retail Banking), Credit Card, Personal Loan - Personal Loan and Citifinancial.

Citybank, a major international bank, is the consumer banking with financial services giant citygroup. Citybank was founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York, kemuadian First National City Bank of New York. In March 2010, citygroup is the third largest bank holding company in the United States by total assets, after Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase. Citybank has retail banking operations of more than 100 countries worldwide teoriti. More than half of the 1,400 offices located in the United States.          

In addition to banking, insurance meawarkan Citybank, credit card and investment products. Their online services division is among the most successful in the field, claiming about 15 million users. As a result of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 and huge losses in the value of its subprime mortgage assets, Citybank rescued by the U.S. government under plans agreed for citygroup. On 23 November 2008, in addition to helping start $, 25 billion, a further $ 25 billion invested in the firm together with guarantees for risky assets for $ 306.000.000.000

Founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York, ownership and management of the bank was taken over by Moses Taylor, a protégé of John Jacob Astor and one of the business giants in k-19 century. During the Taylor rule, majority of the banks functioning segabai financial center and business finance to a broad kerjaa sendiri.Taylor Citybank first president was Col. Samuel Osgood, born in North Andover, Massavhusetts. National City became the first U.S. national bank to open office overseas perbankkan when branches diBuenos Aires, Argentina, dibukaa in 1914. Many kanor current international citi older, offices in London, Shanghai, Calcutta, and elsewhere opened in 1901 and 1902 by Iternational Banking Corporation (IBC), a company hired to conduct banking business outside the U.S., at that time prohibited krgatan national banks in 1918, IBC became a wholly owned subsidiary and merged kemuadian bank.Pad to 1919, bathtub has become the first U.S. bank has $ 1 billion in aet. Charles E. Mitchell terilih as President in 1921 and in 1929 was made chairman, a position he held until 1933. In countries outside the United Amrika. Policies pursued by the bank under the leadership of Mitchell segabai seen by one of the economic history of the main causes of the 1929 stock market crash, which led eventually to the Great Deperssion. In 1933 a Senate committee, commission pecora, investigated Mitchell for his part in tens of millions of dollars in losses, excessive pay, and tax avoidance. Senator Carter Glass said of him: "Mitchell more than 50 men is responsible for this stock crash. On December 24, 1927, its headquarters in Buenos Aires, Argentina, detonated by the Italian anarchist Saverino In Geovanni, in the framework of the international campaign supporting Sacco and Vanzetti. In 1952, James Stilman Rockefeller was elected president and kemuadian chairman in 1959, serving until 1967. Stilman dalah direct descendant of the Rockefeller family through the William Rockefeller (brother John D.) branch. In 1960, a second cousin, David Rockefeller, became president of the Chase Mahattan Bank, National City of New York old rival for dominance in the banking industry in America.

Retail Banking
Citibank retail banking in Indonesia operates 19 branch offices and 102 ATMs in six major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang and Denpasar.
Citibank has expertise in Wealth Management where we provide financial advisory services in order to grow client assets and protected. Understand that every individual have different needs and financial goals are different, so we helped formulate c financial solutions in order to achieve the aspired goals.
Citibank has the innovative products and comprehensive, ranging from traditional savings through bancassurance and mutual funds. In short, Citibank aims to provide integrated financial solutions by leveraging the expertise and international network.
Banking Wealth Management we have a world-class service that prioritizes personal service. We have a dedicated team of relationship management that will assist in determining strategies to develop and protect the investment in accordance with the risk profile of each customer.
In addition our services also comes with extensive ATM network. Citibank customers can freely use the 11,000 ATMs in Indonesia using the logo Plus network. Plus, access information via Citibank Online (Internet Banking), Citi Mobile (Mobile Banking), and our cutting-edge innovation that, Citibank Webcam service that enables customers to meet face to face through the monitor by our staff.

Key People

Tigor Siahaan - Chief Country Officer

Suparman Kusuma - Card Business Head
Kahar Anwar - Citi Commercial Head
Ditta Amahorseya - Director, Country Corporate Affairs Head

Credit Card

Credit card business started in 1989. Citibank is the pioneer of the credit card business in Indonesia by always presenting innovative and exciting programs for its customers.
Citibank credit card types include share market segments. Currently we have 9 kinds of credit cards are: Citibank Ultima Card, Citibank Platinum Card, Citibank Gold Card, Citibank Silver Card, Citibank Choice Card, Citibank Clear Card, Citibank Cash Back Card, Garuda Indonesia Citibank Card, Citibank and Telkomsel Card.
In addition to the use of credit cards as a means of payment, we also provide added value to support the lifestyle needs of its customers through products like Clear Card for young professionals, Cash Back rewards to customers who want in cash, Garuda Indonesia Citibank Card for frequent travelers , and Citibank Telkomsel Card for requiring intensive telecommunications.
We emphasize the importance of peace (peace of mind) as one of our priorities. To that end, Citibank has a system and the specialized staff on duty to monitor the pattern of customer transactions. Through CitiPhone banking are ready to serve our customers for 24 hours. Besides, we also provide education to clients and the general public through the "Use Credit Wisely" which can be accessed through the site
We continue to improve the service by implementing a technology infrastructure capable of processing large amounts of data to achieve efficiency in every transaction. We have the largest payment network in Indonesia, which includes more than 11,000 locations payment of 13 banks and post offices that enables our customers to pay with a credit card is easy.

Citibank Personal Loan

Citibank Personal Loan Citibank introduced in 2003. Citibank Personal Loan is intended to serve the financial needs of our customers by providing the ease and convenience of obtaining loan funds.
These loans are available without the need for collateral and have a competitive interest rate. With fixed monthly payments, customers can manage the flow of their personal finances better. Citibank will provide the funds to make the transfer directly to the customer's account.
Citibank offers loans ranging from Rp 4 million to Rp. 200 million with a maximum repayment period of 36 months.
Generally these loans are used for education, travel, home renovation, marriage and other needs.


Citibank Citifinancial launched in August 2004 - as a lender for the lower middle class. Products in the form of loans with fixed repayment methods and flexible up to 48 months. Citifinancial approach to the surrounding community is well received, customers can meet face to face and interact directly with our staff. In lending, Citifinancial has always stressed the importance of budgeting and cash flow analysis process. Thus, we also educate clients and potential clients about how to manage their finances responsibly and take out loans in accordance with their capabilities. Citifinancial currently has 56 branches spread across six major cities of Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, and Denpasar.In 2007, Citifinancial in cooperation with PT Pos Indonesia. This collaboration aims to expand the coverage area of ​​Citifinancial in Indonesia's market reach by leveraging the breadth of distribution of PT Pos Indonesia

Time Line

2004 - Citibank launches Citifinancial.

2005-2007 – Citibank receives the Indonesia Best Brand Award from SWA Magazine.
2006 – Citibank ranked Best Bank On Service Quality by a banking sector customer service poll conducted by Infobank magazine in collaboration with the Institute of Service Management Studies (Trisakti University, Jakarta).
2007 – Receives the Employer of Choice Award from Warta Ekonomi.
2007 – Receives the Indonesia Bank Loyalty Award in the Savings Account and Credit Card Category from InfoBank.
2007 - Receives the Best Internet Bank Award from Global Finance.
2007- Receives the eCompany Award from Warta Ekonomi.
2007 - Receives the Best Financial Performance Award from Infobank.
2007 - Receives the Best Foreign Bank from Finance Asia.
2007 - Receives the Indonesia Most Admired Company 2006 Award (for 2 consecutive years) from Business Week and FrontierMarketing Research.
2007 - Receives the Best Wealth Management and Retail Bank & Service Satisfaction Index from Marketing Magazine & CCSL.
2007 - Receives the Best Corporate PR Program award from Mix Magazine.
2007-2008 – Receives the Banking Service Excellence Award from InfoBank.


Job Rating

Job condition
Worker’s rating
Manager’s rating

Full appreciation for work done


Worker: if fully appreciate
the work, then I will work
Manager:  workers fully
appreciate his work, will
inevitably result in the best
Feeling ‘in’ one things
Worker & Manager: This is
very important for
emergency Decision
Sympitathetic understanding of personal problem


Worker: Here workers must
 be able to distinguish
personal problems with office
Manager: manager is not too
 much judging this matter

Job security


Worker: job security is very
 important for the employees
, so that employees feel
Manager: managers always
 pay attention to the safety
of workers
Good wages
Worker: if workers earn good
 wages, they will do their best
Manager: if workers do a
good job, the manager did
 not hesitate to provide good
Interesting work
Worker & Manager: if interested
in the job, it will Make the spirit
Promotion & growth with company
Worker : if companies are doing
promotion sooner or later,
the company will have an impact
 well-known and for workers
Manager:  if workers do
promotion will indirectly
help the growth of the company
Management loyalty to workers
Worker & Manager: if a company
 loyal to workers  then workers
will be loyal to the company

Good working condition


Worker: This is important, if in
good condition then all will
go well
Manager: if the conditions are
good it will work better

Worker:If you are disciplined,
the possibility of infringement
does not occur
Manager: for a manager to work
 greatly influenced the discipline
 of rating companies