Report text

on Senin, 28 April 2014
Report is a text which present information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyses.


  • Snowy owls or nyctea scandiaca are large prey birds , they are diurnal . wich means they are active duting the daya instead of night. Snowy owls breed in remote areas or artic and sub artic regions mostly north their name suggests snowy owls heve dark white feathers with dark brown markings. Their feathers are thick covering even its leg and feet. They weigh around 1,6 kg to 2 kg and they stand about half a meter tall with the wing span 2 meter. They have around white head a black claw.

  • Do you know what that Komodo dragons are the largest lizards ? . He lives in bushes and forests of Indonesian islands some of his . Komodo dragons are the world's heaviest lizard , weighing 152 pounds or more . The largest Komodo ever measured more than 10 feet 3 meters and weighing 166 kg but the average size of komodo in the wild about 8 feet 2.5 meters long and 91 kg Komodo has gray scaly skin , a pointed snout , powerful limbs and a very strong muscular tail . They use their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away . They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic . Dragons teeth are almost completely covered by its gums are great . When it feeds , the gums bleed , creating an ideal culture for the virulent bacteria . Bacteria that live in the Komodo dragon saliva causes septicemia , or blood poisoning to humans , the victims . A dragon will bite its prey , then follow until the animal is too weak to continue . This lizard species is threatened by hunting , loss of prey species and habitat loss . dragons are animals in Indonesia in Sumatra . one is a miracle in Indonesia . we should be proud of our country Indonesia .

holiday in Bandung

on Minggu, 27 April 2014
It's for the umpteenth time I vacation in Bandung , I never get bored with this city . Although I was not born in bandung but I really love this city . That time is Friday . Me and 3 of my friends, they are irgi , eko , and riri . We take a trip to Bandung . We left at 10 am . Was time to coincide with red dates . The toll road was very congested . Starting from the west expressway cibitung to karawang jammed . After passing the road west karawang start smoothly . The plan we wanted to two places , namely dusun bambu and de'ranch . After a trip for 2 hours 30 minutes ( quite longer than usual ) to the one we are in Bandung . The first place we headed dusun bambu, because the shorter distance from the Pasteur toll gate . We ber 4 no way to know the direction to get there . Finally we discuss to use GPS . It just so happens that I took the car , and the members riri directions by GPS in his hp . Had hesitated because we are a very small road heading . But we carry on because of the desire to lead dusun bambu is very passionate. Although we circled because the GPS bit error . When we got there we immediately around the location . The situation is still very green , the air is so cool that we rarely encountered in jakarta . After circling the end we chose a short break because we were getting hungry hehe . After we rested enough to take pictures there

Once we feel quite satisfied in dusunn bamboo, we proceeded to de'ranch. Quite closely that of dusunn bamboo de'ranch location. But unfortunately the weather is unfavorable. Arriving there raining really hard and we can not ride


Passive voice (Kalimat Pasif)
Sebuah kalimat yang subjectnya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau kalimat pada subject tersebut menjadi sasaran kegiatan yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja. Ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah berawalan di- dan berawalan ter tergantung pada kalimatnya.
Rumus Passive Voice
•   Subject + tobe + Verb3 + by phrase

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice:
1.The Teacher enjoyed teaching the student (active)
2.The students enjoyed being taught by the teacher (passive) regretted that principal had to resign from office (active) was regretted that the principal had to resign from office (passive)
5.I consider her very pretty (active)
6.she is considered very pretty (passive)

•   simple present tense
active: he meets them everyday
passive: we are met by him everyday

•   simple past tense
active: she watered this plant this morning
passive: this plat was watered by her this morning

•   present perfect tense
active: he had met them before I came
passive: they had been met by him before I came

•   simple future tense
active: the famers are going to harvest the crops next week
passive: the crops are going to be harvested by the famers next week

•   future perfect tense
active: she would have met them
passive: they would have been met by him.

•   present countinous tense
active: he is meeting them now
passive: they are being met by him now

•   present countinous tense
active: Rina is watering this plat now
passive: this plat is being watered by her now

•   past continous tense
active: Nazril was meeting them
passive: they were being met by him

•   perfect continous tense
active: Bella has been watering this plat.
passive: this plat has been being watered by her

•   past perfect continous tense
active: Uki had been meeting them
passive: they had been being met by him

•   future continous tense
active: Dania will be watering this plat
passive: this plant will be being watered by her

•   past future continous tense
active: Riko would be meeting them
passive: they would be being met by him

•   future perfect continous tense
active: Uti will have been watering this plant
passive: This plat will have been being watered by her.

Party democracy in indonesia

Hello, my name is Muhamad Rahma munigar. Today is the 9th of April 2014, Indonesian being elections DPR, DPD, provincial and regency / city. At that time I woke up around 7:30 am, because I overnight barusaja watch a soccer match between Chelsea vs PSG, so I woke up later than usual. Mom woke me up and told that quickly got up and rushed to the polls to vote for Indonesian participate. Finally, I also shower and beriap ready to go to polling stations have been determined. Father, mother, along with my brother The women leave early. Then around 8:30 I went to catch up with TPS. And this is the letter of invitation (this photo was taken before going to TPS)

Finally I went to the location , coincidentally located at 02 wanasari Elementary School , it is my place when I was elementary school . nostalgic because the school had not been visiting it hehehe .

Arriving there , already crowded at all . people look at pictures of prospective members . When looking at the photos of my prospective member was a little confused , because there are so many . But nevertheless I have to choose one of them . I also give invitation cards for medaftarnya . After waiting for about 20min finally my name was on the call , so enter the room in love 4 paper . Once in the open ternyaata no picture , only the printed paper in his name alone . that moment I was confused because I had to pick who did not recognize his name , just recognize his picture alone , it was only seen briefly before entering the room . But I had to take a quick decision , because so many have lined up outside . My point is not abstentions hehehe . It is no photographic evidence that I give voice to Indonesia


hi, my name Munigar . usually called Igar . vacation plans later lecture I and my friends want to go to the mall , because in our city recently built a mall named grand lawless , it is a shopping center in my town , because in addition to comfortable and safe place to clean plus it also provides a variety of needs .

I and my friends want to go there at 10:00 am using the bike . we make a pact to meet in the city park at five in the morning I was up and then I execute the dawn prayer . after prayer I was cleaning the bed. after that I was bathing in the morning . finished showering I was dressed . I wear a band t-shirts Led Zeppelin and Celena wearing black jeans . I'm wearing a blue hat and boots tosca red maroon , and JanSport backpacks .

after that I immediately went downstairs for breakfast . " Morning bun , am well " I said " Good morning dear " they replied . " Well bun later igar going at Sprott , davi , dina , alex to the mall " " okay dear , but you must be careful " message mother and father " ok bun ragil would definitely be careful . if so ragil bun yah ya go first , assalamualaikum " I also said goodbye to my parents ' waalaikumsalam " they said .

then I immediately headed to the city park , there has terlhat three of my friends are alex , davi and Sprott . I immediately parked my bike in the bicycle parking and meet them . " Hello " I said " hi gar " they said simultaneously " dina where " asked " again buy drinks tuh " said Sprott explained " oh I think where " I said .

five minutes later , dina appeared with five bottles of drinks . " Hi " she said , but we just frown " on why the hell I 'm just buying a drink ? " He asked with a puzzled expression " buy a drink but really old " Sprott said angrily " yes " davi adding " yes deh I 'm sorry " regrets dina . " Already lah my friends , after all his days are already 'm sorry " come into force " yes already now we go to the mall " said Trisya , and we rushed to go to the mall , we parked our bikes in the bicycle parking .

We go straight into the mall and go up to the second floor . I and my friends friends heading to the book stall . I bought a story book titled John Lennon 's letters , my friend bought a book that is different , then we bought a book and some accessories and we also pay her at the cashier and we go home we do not miss to watch the movie need for speed 2 and we split in a city park . " Friends bye friends " I said " bye " they replied simultaneously . It was a nice holiday .

Metode Ilmiah

on Kamis, 24 April 2014
Pengertian Metode Ilmiah

Metode ilmiah adalah suatu proses tentang  keilmuan yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan secara sistematisyang didasari dengan bukti nyata. Seorang peneliti melakukan pengamatan serta membentuk hipotesis dalam usahanya untuk menjelaskan kejadian yang sesungguhnya terjadi. Jika hipotesis sesuai dengan hasil penilitian maka dapat dikatakan penelitian ini berhasil.

Unsur utama metode ilmiah adalah pengulangan empat langkah berikut:

Karakterisasi (pengamatan dan pengukuran) :Pengamatan yang dilakukan selama melakukan penelitian
Hipotesis (penjelasan teoretis yang merupakan dugaan atas hasil pengamatan dan pengukuran) Dugaan sementara sebelum dilakukannya penelitian
Prediksi (deduksi logis dari hipotesis)
Eksperimen (pengujian atas semua hal di atas)

Karakteristik Metode Ilmiah

Umumnya terdapat empat karakteristik penelitian ilmiah :

1.  Sistematik, jadi suatu penelitian harus disusun dan dilaksanakan secara berurutan sesuai pola dan menggunakan  Bahasa yang benar serta mudah dan sederhana sampai yang kompleks.

2.  Logis, jadi Suatu penelitian dikatakan benar bila dapat diterima akal dan berdasarkan kejadian yang sesungguhmya terjadi dalam penelitian dan kejadian yang sesungguhnya juga harus masuk akal.

3.  Empirik, jadi suatu penelitian yang didasarkan pada pengalaman sehari-hari, yang ditemukan atau melalui hasil coba-coba yang kemudian diangkat sebagai hasil penelitian, Ada 3 landasan empitik :

     a). Hal-hal empirik selalu memiliki persamaan dan perbedaan.

     b). Hal-hal empirik selalu berubah-ubah sesuai dengan waktu.

     c). Hal-hal empirik tidak bisa secara kebetulan,melainkan ada penyebabnya.

4.  Replikatif, jadi  suatu penelitian yang pernah dilakukan harus di uji kembali oleh peneliti lain dan harus memberikan hasil yang sama bila dilakukan dengan metode, kriteria, dan kondisi yang sama.

Langkah-Langkah Metode Ilmiah

Langkah-langkah pada metode ilmiah antara lain:

Perumusan masalah
Merupakan langkah awal untuk mebuat suatu penelitian , apa saja yang akan dirumuskan ada disini teruma yabg terpenting harus sesuai kemampuan kita untuk menelitinya,

Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan di dalam merumuskan masalah, antara lain sebagai berikut:

  • Masalah hendaknya dapat dinyatakan dalam bentuk kalimat tanya.
  • Rumusan masalah hendaknya singkat, padat, jelas dan mudah dipahami.
  • Rumusan masalah hendaknya merupakan masalah yang kemungkinan dapat dicari cara pemecahannya.

Perumusan hipotesis
Hipotesis penelitian dapat juga dikatakan sebagai dugaan yang merupakan jawaban sementara terhadap masalah sebelum dibuktikan kebenarannya, Oleh karena berupa dugaan maka hipotesis yang kita buat mungkin saja salah. Oleh karena itu, kita harus melakukan sebuah percobaan untuk menguji kebenaran hipotesis yang sudah kita buat.

Perancangan penelitian
Rancangan penelitian ini berisi tentang rencana atau hal-hal yang harus dilakukan sebelum, selama dan setelah penelitian selesai. Metode penelitian, alat dan bahan yang diperlukan dalam penelitian juga harus disiapkan dalam rancangan penelitian.

Pelaksanaan penelitian
Ssetalah konsep penelitian sudah ada dan sesuai yang kita inginkan ,di tahap ini kita melakukan pengumpulan/pengambilan data yang sesuai yang kita inginnya nanum sesuai yang sudah kita rencanakan.

Pelaporan penelitian
Setelah melakukan penelitian makanya kesimpulan yang dihasilkan merupakan jawaban terhadap hipotesis yang sudah diuji kebenarannya.

Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan Antara lain :

  1. Masalah menyatakan adanya keterkaitan antara beberapa variabel atau lebih.
  2. Masalah tersebut merupakan masalah yang dapat diuji dan dapat dipecahkan.
  3. Masalah disusun dalam bentuk pertanyaan yang singkat, padat dan jelas.
  4. Menyusun Kerangka Teori
  5. Mengumpulkan keterangan-keterangan dan informasi, baik secara teori maupun data-data fakta di lapangan.
  6. Dari keterangan-keterangan dan informasi tersebut diperoleh penjelasan sementara terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi.

Tujuan metode ilmiah itu sendiri adalah untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan ilmiah (yang rasional, yang teruji) sehingga merupakan pengetahuan yang dapat diandalkan.


on Selasa, 22 April 2014
Hi, my name Ragil Herlambang . usually called Ragil . vacation plans later lecture I and my friends want to go to the mall , because in our city recently built a mall named grand lawless , it is a shopping center in my town , because in addition to comfortable and safe place to clean plus it also provides a variety of needs .

I and my friends want to go there at 10:00 am using the bike . we make a pact to meet in the city park at five in the morning I was up and then I execute the dawn prayer . after prayer I was cleaning the bed. after that I was bathing in the morning . finished showering I was dressed . I wear a band t-shirts Led Zeppelin and wearing black jeans . I'm wearing a blue hat and boots tosca red maroon , and JanSport backpacks .

after that I immediately went downstairs for breakfast . " Morning bun , am well " I said " Good morning dear " they replied . " Well bun later ragil going at Sprott , davi , dina , alex to the mall " " okay dear , but you must be careful " message mother and father " ok bun ragil would definitely be careful . if so ragil bun yah ya go first , assalamualaikum " I also said goodbye to my parents ' waalaikumsalam " they said .

then I immediately headed to the city park , there has terlhat three of my friends are alex , davi and Sprott . I immediately parked my bike in the bicycle parking and meet them . " Hello " I said " hi ragil " they said simultaneously " dina where " asked " again buy drinks tuh " said Sprott explained " oh I think where " I said .

five minutes later , dina appeared with five bottles of drinks . " Hi " she said , but we just frown " on why the hell I 'm just buying a drink ? " He asked with a puzzled expression " buy a drink but really old " Sprott said angrily " yes tuh " davi adding " yes deh I 'm sorry " regrets dina . " Already lah my friends , after all his days are already 'm sorry " come into force " yes already now we go to the mall " said Trisya , and we rushed to go to the mall , we parked our bikes in the bicycle parking .

We go straight into the mall and go up to the second floor . I and my friends friends heading to the book stall . I bought a story book titled John Lennon 's letters , my friend bought a book that is different , then we bought a book and some accessories and we also pay her at the cashier and we go home we do not miss to watch the movie need for speed 2 and we split in a city park . " Friends bye friends " I said " bye " they replied simultaneously . It was a nice holiday .