High Cost Economy in Indonesia

on Jumat, 26 April 2013

ROOM Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia assess infrastructure development in Indonesia is still bad. Indonesian infrastructure ranked very low compared to other countries ranked. Infrastructure development to improve the competitiveness of the investment.
Infrastructure is a vital means of support for economic progress, especially to ensure the smooth flow of goods and reduce transaction costs or a high-cost economy.
Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Information and Communication Technology, Kadin, Smith Suwondo revealed in Serang, Banten, on Friday (5/9), poor infrastructure development in Indonesia. World Economic Forum 2012-2013 report shows, Indonesia ranks 78 out of more than 100 surveyed countries.
The position is even worse than the previous year, ie on 76 ratings. As Singapore is ranked second, ranked Malaysia 32, Thailand ranked 46th, and Brunei rank 57. Indonesia's poor logistical encourage high economic costs, thereby reducing the competitiveness of the investment.
Logistics costs in Indonesia are very expensive, which is about 30 percent of gross domestic product or GDP. To that end, the government and the House of Representatives Chamber of Commerce invites to think clearly so that national budgets are sourced from the business tax and the wider community should be free of waste and free from heavily subsidized.
Kadin expressly asked the government to cut the subsidy of Rp 150 trillion to make available a larger budget for regional development, particularly in the area of infrastructure development. Allowance for funds allocated to each province of Rp 4 to Rp 5 trillion. Thus, there is a strong impetus for development in the area. Kadin center also encourages local Chamber of Commerce to be able to touch the small and medium enterprise sector for equity in economic development.
Kelihan the Chamber of Commerce, in fact, has become a classic. On the other hand, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Hatta Rajasa, said the government continues to reduce the high costs of economic constraints. Steps to reduce the high cost economy continue, including through the development of infrastructure such as toll roads, expansion of ports, making port cleaning.
However, it must be recognized, only recently, the government boost infrastructure development. Similarly, the government continues to reduce bureaucratic barriers, regulations that hinder investment and combating bribery and corruption.
Previously, a number of businessmen complained that production costs are still high. The employer rate is still a lot of homework to finish government. In fact, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has been confirmed to continue to suppress and reduce the high cost economy.
In addition to infrastructure development, the various regulations that impeded investment climate was reviewed. The central government has evaluated the 13,520 regulations that hamper the environment, and local regulations 824 has been canceled.
High cost economy can not be separated system of government bureaucracy convoluted that the business climate. Permit issues are complicated and time consuming investment is very disturbing. In addition, labor costs in Indonesia are often mixed with political affairs. In fact, the political and economic affairs, not to be confused because it is very detrimental to investors.
When yoked to political problems in the economy, economic activity will interfere with the interests of stakeholders. On the other hand, Indonesia needs investment that quickly broke down in the middle of the world economy today. Current economic situation became the right moment to be able to attract more investors. Again the world economy on the brink of a crisis and face uncertainty.
However, precisely the right moment to establish policies that support investment in Indonesia. Incentives such as tax holiday and tax allowance between five years and 10 years will increase investment. Incentives are very important. If there is no incentive, investors coming into the country difficult. The amount also depends on the amount of investment incentives and the location of their investment.
About the bureaucratic obstacles that the business climate, it's not a new discourse. At the very least, obstacles and problems that must be addressed government, namely the eradication of corruption, improvement of infrastructure, and bureaucratic problems. Efforts to eliminate these obstacles will stimulate economic growth in the future.

sumber: http://makassar.tribunnews.com/2012/10/10/kita-dan-ekonomi-biaya-tinggi


Susan Barnes     : Good morning Mr.Harris
Mr.Harris          : Morning to susan

Susan Barnes     : How are you Mr. harris?
Mr.Harris           : somewhat less well

Susan Barnes     : why? whether you're a lot of trouble?
Mr.Harris           : I do not know, today is very bad roads. not as usual

Susan Barnes     : oh yeah? I also experience
Mr.Harris           : yes, I think this morning was very random

Susan Barnes     : hahaha ... you could have
Mr.Harris           : why are you in the morning I've been at the office? not usually.

Susan Barnes     : yes sir, I want to talk about something
Mr.Harris           : what is it?

Susan Barnes     : like the letter I sent to you yesterday. if you get a letter?
Mr.Harris           : what is it? about our clients?

Susan Barnes     : instead, about the work of this office and my position
Mr.Harris           : oh yes I forgot it, forgive me. it seems I was too busy

susan Barnes     : hmmmmm no problem
Mr.Harris           : so what is the reason you want to resign from the office?

susan Barnes     : I've not seem to be able to follow the company's target
Mr.Harris           : only that?

Susan Barnes     : not to mention this job is consuming my time. so I often come home late and night
Mr.Harris             : but these companies desperately need employees like you

Susan Barnes     : but I often feel very tired. not to mention the distance from my home to the office so far. I often feel less rest
Mr.Harris           : but the company we are no targets for this month. Can you to survive here? or at least withdraw only time

susan Barnes     : But sir ....
Mr.harris           : come on, your services indispensable. or I'll find an assistant for you. that lighter work

susan Barnes     : Waku baikalah give me a week to think about it
Mr.Harris           : or i have another option for you

Susan Barnes     : what it is, may I know?
Mr.Harris           : I Rev your salary if you stay in this company

Susan Barnes     : serious is?
Mr.Harris           : yeah seriously, your hours will I subtract about two to three hours. how?

susan Barnes     : Okay I think back
Mr.Harris           : I hope the company once you survive it. if your job better, I can raise the position of your work as well.

Susan Barnes     : Okay, ready sir
Mr.Harris           : so come back here if you already have a decision

Susan barnes     : okay thank you for your time, happy to work with you
Mr.Harris           : yeah equally

Susan Barnes     : I'll see you again tomorrow
Mr.Harris           : okay I'll see you tomorrow too


on Rabu, 24 April 2013


Can't count the years on one hand
That we've been together
I need the other one to hold you.
Make you feel, make you feel better.
It's not a walk in the park
To love each other.
But when our fingers interlock,
Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it

Cause after all this time.
I'm still into you

I should be over all the butterflies
But i'm into you (I'm in to you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)
Let em wonder how we got this far
Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah after all this time
I'm still into you

Recount the night that I first
Met your mother
And on the drive back to my house
I told you that, I told you that I loved ya.
You felt the weight of the world
Fall off your shoulder
And to your favorite song
We sang along to the start of forever

And after all this time.
I'm still into you

I should be over all the butterflies
But i'm into you (I'm in to you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)
Let em wonder how we got this far
Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah after all this time
I'm still into you

Some things just,
Some things just make sense
And one of those is you and I
Some things just,
Some things just make sense
And even after all this time
I'm into You
Baby not a day goes by that
I'm not into you

I should be over all the butterflies
But i'm into you (I'm in to you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)
Let em wonder how we got this far
Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
Yeah after all this time
I'm still into you
I'm still into you
I'm still into you

Keanekaragaman Bangsa Indonesia dan Potensi Konflik


Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari 13.487 pulau, oleh karena itu Indonesia  disebut juga sebagai Nusantara. Indonesia adalah negara berpenduduk terbesar keempat di dunia. Selain memiliki banyak pulau, Indonesia jg memiliki banyak keanekaragaman suku, ras, agama dan budaya.  Semboyan nasional Indonesia, "Bhinneka tunggal ika" ("Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu"), berarti keberagaman yang membentuk Negara. Namun memiliki banyak keanekaragaman suku, ras, agama dan budaya sering kali meimbulkan perbedaan pendapat dan konflik. konflik diartikan sebagai suatu proses sosial antara dua orang atau lebih (bisa juga kelompok) dimana salah satu pihak berusaha menyingkirkan pihak lain dengan menghancurkannya atau membuatnya tidak berdaya. Tidak satu masyarakat pun yang tidak pernah mengalami konflik antar anggotanya atau dengan kelompok masyarakat lainnya, konflik hanya akan hilang bersamaan dengan hilangnya masyarakat itu sendiri. Konflik dilatarbelakangi oleh perbedaan ciri-ciri yang dibawa individu dalam suatu interaksi. perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut diantaranya adalah menyangkut ciri fisik, kepandaian, pengetahuan, adat istiadat, keyakinan, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan dibawasertanya ciri-ciri individual dalam interaksi sosial, konflik merupakan situasi yang wajar dalam setiap masyarakat dan tidak satu masyarakat pun yang tidak pernah mengalami konflik antar anggotanya atau dengan kelompok masyarakat lainnya, konflik hanya akan hilang bersamaan dengan hilangnya masyarakat itu sendiri. Dari banyaknya konflik yang terjadi di Indonesia saya akan membahas tentang “Konflik yang terjadi di cibitung”


Cibitung merupakan salah satu kawasan industri yang berada di kabupaten Bekasi. Sehingga banyak orang berdatangan ke Cibitung untuk mencari pekerjaan. Sehingga banyak pendatang yang tinggal di Cibitung. Dengan beranekaragamnya penduduk mungkin akan banyak juga perbedaan-perbedaan pendapat yang dapat menimbulkan sebuah konflik. Seperti konflik yang terjadi antara 2 daerah di cibitung yaitu Rawa Citra (DMC) dengan Selang. Konflik ini sudah terjadi turun menurun. Perdebatan antara dua daerah ini menimbulkan tawuran di bulan ramadhan. Konflik ini terjadi akibat saling ejek dan salah paham dari kedua kubu. Meskipun sudah banyak korban, konflik ini selalu terulang setiap tahunnya. Awalnya konflik ini terjadi antara kampung selang tengah dengan rawa citra (DMC). Namun karena kekompakan warganya, selang cironggeng, selang nangka, selang cau, dan selang bulak ikut bergabung. Konflik ini terjadi di perbatasan antara Selang dengan Rawa citra yaitu di Gobel. Meskipun sering kali sudah ada pejanjian damai tetapi kedua kubu seringkali masih melanggarnya. tapi apupun penyebab terjadinya konflik tersebut tidak sedikit pula yang menilai terjadinya konflik itu karna adanya banyak perbedaan atau banyaknya keanekaragaman yang menjadi satu disana .namun mengenai konflik yang terjadi antara selang dengan rawa citra saying mengambil kesimpulan bahwa kedua kubu ini mengadu gengsi dan ingin menujukan siapa yang paling kuat.

Demikian yang dapat saya paparkan mengenai materi yang menjadi pokok bahasan dalam makalah ini, tentunya masih banyak kekurangan dan kelemahannya. Kepada para pembaca, penulis memohon maaf apabila terdapat kekurangan dan kekeliruan bagi tulisan yang penulis buat ini. Karena penulis sendiri hanyalah manusia yang bisa melakukan kesalahan. Kritik dan saran penulis harapkan dari pembaca sekalian untuk menyempurnakan makalah ini. akhir kata semoga makalah yang penulis buat ini dapat bermanfaat untuk pembaca.

Bank Central Asia

on Rabu, 03 April 2013

Bank Central Asia (IDX: BBCA) is the largest private bank in Indonesia. The bank was established on 21 February 1957 as Bank Central Asia NV and once an important part of the Salim Group. Current President (term 1999-present) is Djohan Emir Setijoso.
BCA was officially established on February 21, 1957 as Bank Central Asia NV. A lot of things have passed since the time of its establishment, and perhaps the most significant is the financial crisis that occurred in 1997.

The crisis brought a tremendous impact on the entire banking system in Indonesia. However, in particular, this condition affects at BCA's cash flow and even threatened the rest. Many customers panicked and troop withdraw their funds. As a result, the bank was forced to seek assistance from the Indonesian government. Restructuring Agency (IBRA) took over BCA in 1998.
Thanks to the business policy and decision-making wise, BCA successfully recovered in the same year. In December 1998, the third-party funds have returned to pre-crisis levels. BCA assets reached Rp 67.93 trillion, while in the month of December 1997 only Rp 53.36 trillion. Public confidence in BCA was fully restored, and BCA submitted by IBRA to Bank Indonesia in 2000.
Subsequently, BCA took a major step by becoming a public company. IPO took place in 2000, by selling shares of 22.55% from IBRA divested. After the IPO, IBRA still controlled 70.30% of the shares of BCA. The second stock offering conducted in June and July 2001, with IBRA divested 10% more of his shares in BCA.

In 2002, IBRA took off 51% of its shares in BCA through a strategic private placement tender. Farindo Investment, Ltd.., Based in Mauritius, won the tender. Today, BCA continues to strengthen its tradition of good corporate governance, full compliance with regulatory, risk management and a commitment to both customers as well as transactional bank or financial intermediary institutions

Composition of shareholders on June 30, 2009 are as follows:
·         Farindo Investments (Mauritius) Ltd qualitate qua (qq) Farallon Capital Management LLC (Bambang Hartono and Robert Budi Hartono) - 47.15%
·         Anthony Salim - 1.76%
·         Repurchased shares of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (treasury stock) - 1.18%
·         Public - 49.94%



on Selasa, 02 April 2013

Mungkin ini acara musik ke dua yang rata-rata bergenre metal yang saya datangi. Kali ini acaranya di bekasi square Karna memang saya tidak begitu suka dengan music yang genre metal,  yah paling tidak saya terkadang masih mendengar heavy metal . karena akhir-akhir ini saya sedang terjaring virus heavy metal hahaha.

Line up beckfest antara lain morfem, besok bubar, seringai, the s.i.g.i.t , burgerkill dan lain-lain. Tetapi tujuan saya  datang ke acara music ini hanya untuk melihat seringai dan the s.i.g.i.t. seringai band asal Jakarta yang bergenre heavy metal dan the s.i.g.i.t band dari mandung yang bergenre  rock/ blues. Sudah jauh-jauh hari saya merencanakan bersama teman-teman saya untuk dating ke acara music festival bekasi ini.  Saya, icun, egi, vikry janjian di tempat yang sudah kami tentukan. Dan saya dating paling terakhir hehe.
Sesampainya di bekasi square jam 17.30, banyak sekali orang-orang memakai baju hitam. Sepertinya bekasi square akan menjadi lautan hitam hahaha. Dan Langsung saja kami menuju acara yang berada di rooftop bekasi square itu. Ketika di ticket box mba2 yang menjaganya bertanya “ mas kamu sudah 18 tahun kan?” lalu saya menjawab “oh iya, sudah kok. Sudah lebih malah” si mba-mba nya pun menjawab “ oh udah lebih, habis mukanya masih babyface gitu” . kita pun tertawa bersamaan. Waktu itu sudah ada band death metal yang sudah on stage. Tetapi saya tidak tahu nama bandnya apa. Mereka membawakan 4 lagu. Singat cerita sehabis magrib mulailah morfem, band asal Jakarta yang di pentoli oleh jimi multazam ini on stage. Semua penonton pun mulai merapat ke depan panggung, termasuk saya. Morfem membawakan sekitar 6-7 lagu (saya lupa) tetapi yang saya hafal lagunya hanya yang berjudul “Gadis suku pedalaman” dan “who stole my bike”. Emang dasar ya anak band, ketika membawakan lagu gadis suku pedalaman jimi sesekali menggoda para gadis-gasis SPG yang yang sedang menjual rokok.  Aksi panggung yang sangat apik dari morfem ini terutama sang vokalis (jimi) yang membawakan lagu dengan ciri khasnya. 

foto-foto morfem

Akhirnya pun giliran besok bubar, besok bubar ini nama band ya. Bukan menyuruh penonton untuk bubar loh hahaha. Besok bubar ini band grunge asal Jakarta. Seprtinya sih sudah om-om untuk penonton semuran saya. Lagu-lagu mereka identik dengan kritikan-kritikan untuk pemerintah. Mereka membawakan sekitar 7-8 lagu.

Pukul 08.045 waktunya band idola saya, yaitu seringai. Band yang di pentoli arian ini membukanya dengan lagu “di larang di bandung” mereka membawakannya dengan penuh semangat beberapa penonton pun ikut moshing. Jarak saya dengan panggung hanya beberapa meter saja. Cukup puas melihat penampilan mereka. Seringai membawakan sekitar 8 lagu yang di tutup dengan lagu. Dan ini beberapa foto seringai yang saya ambil

Setelah selesai seringai pukul 09.30 mulailah The s.i.g.i.t, band asal bandung yang di pentoli rekti ini paling di tunggu2 para wanita, karena  ketika the s.i.g.i.t on stage di samping kiri kanan saya banyak sekali wanita. Mereka  pun ikut sing a long ketika the s.i.g.i.t membawakan lagu andalan mereka yang berjudul “black amplifier”. Dan ini beberapa foto yang saya ambil

Akhirnya sampailah di penghujung acara, jam 10.30 band metal asal bandung yaitu Bugerkill pun naik panggung,. Band yang di pentoli Vicky mono ini membawakan lagu-lagu cadasnya. Tetapi ada sedikit penampilan mereka yang mungkin agak berbeda. Biasanya mereka menggunakan celana tentara. Tapi untuk kali ini tidak. Mereka terlihat tampan meski sudah om-om untuk remaja semuran saya hehehe. penonton pun sangat antusias menyambut salah satu guest star di acara ini  mereka menyambutnya dengan mospit dan moshing  Ini beberapa foto yang saya ambil: 

oke cukup sekian review tentang backfest dari saya. mohon maaf apabila ada salah penulisan. Seperti yang dibilang kang soleh solihun, karena manusia tak pernah luput dari kesalahan, sempurna hanyalah milik allah dan andra and the backbone hehehe. sampai jumpa di festival musik selanjutnya

tugas softskill b.inggris

on Senin, 01 April 2013

There are two different countries businessmen, they were sitting in the waiting room independent hotel. He named andre from Indonesia and excel from canada.

Andre   : hi, if you're waiting for someone?
Excel      : yes, I'm waiting for a co-worker. What you can too?

Andre   : yes, I am also waiting for my co-worker
Excel      : hmmm ... whether people in Indonesia are not always on time?

Andre   : yes, most Indonesian people like that. but only some people. By the way my name andre introduced, I come from Bandung, Indonesia
Exce       l: excel my name is, I come from canada

Andre   : oh canada, yes I know. maybe in the near future I will also visit
Excel      : wow, you should visit it. if you want to vacation in Canada?

Andre   : Yes, maybe I will do business there too
Excel      : wow great, are you an entrepreneur?

Andre   : Yes, you could say that
Excel      : I am also a businessman. What business are you doing right now?

Andre   : my business clothes and shoes
Excel      : great, young've been in business. I just started a career as an entrepreneur when I was 35 years old, and now I am 40 years old

Andre   : oh thank you, what business are you doing right now?
Exce       : for now I am a fast food business

Andre   : so, you come to Indonesia to set up a restaurant?
Excel      : no, I want the clothing business here

Andre   : you are a food business, why do want to start a clothing business? What's not wrong?
Excel      : there is nothing wrong to try as long as we believe, and I would make clothes with the theme of food

Andre   : are you sure people will like it?
Excel      : yes I'm sure, because I was well-known restaurants in Canada, and added my son a well-known musician. I will probably be promotion through my son with music

Andre   : how to make your clothes get to Indonesia?
Excel      : in Canada for clothing production cost is very expensive, so I'm looking for partners in Indonesia to obtain greater profits. and I'd heard good quality clothing in Indonesia.

Andre   : yes you are right well, many leading brands that manufacture products here
Excel      : how long have you been in business attire?

Andre   : about 3 years
Excel      : fair amount of time for a beginner. so far how many stores do you have? and how your income every month?

Andre   : my income every month to reach 10 billion. so far I have 12 stores in Indonesia, probably in the near future I will make a shop in singapore, hongkong, and Canada.
Excel      : is it the clothes you sell its own brands or are you just a re-seller?

Andre   : Yes, I'm selling is own brand clothing
Excel      : ok, can I ask your telephone number?

Andre   : oh, of course, maybe we can work together. is 0877877890
Excel      : yeah maybe, if I canceled with my co-workers are now maybe I will choose you to replace it.

Andre   : Okay, just call me if you need help
Excel      : yes, you can also visit my home if you are into Canada. come to the North Tower 35

Andre   : Okay, thank you. and I am very pleased to meet you
Excel      : I am also pleased to meet you