Autobiografi (B.inggris softskill)

on Senin, 12 Maret 2012
Muhammad Rahma Munigar was a student of economic management in Gunadarma University,and his friends usually called him 'Igar'. Igar was born in jakarta 6 February 1993,he was a crossbred from betawi and sundanese. Igar is the second child of two brothers. he's a quiet type of person if he meet people at a first time. But if u already know him,he will be very captious.

He was very fond of spicy food, because it may be hereditary factors derived from the mother,his mother is a sundanese. Igar loved sports and cycling race, although he was not athletic in the field. Igar most hated thing is if he was met a hen, why? Because when in his childhood he had the bad days when he met hen,so until now it’s still feel so scary. But he still like an animal,he was a cat lover. He have a cat who called “popos”. Igar was a biggest fans from a female singer who has a name Raisa Adriana and a male singer Ello.

In his childhood he have a dream to be a racer or be a doctor. When he’s young his father usually bring him to see a car raced and motorcycle raced. And his father agrees if he become a racer. His father had asked Igar to be a racer, but in the time he was still afraid to be a racer as he often see people falling on a race track. When Igar was about 13 years. he asked his father to become a racer. Apparently his father had changed mind and said "you are too late if you want to be a racer". Though his goals are not achieved, but now he  is trying to become a qualified economist.

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